If you own property in New York City, you are responsible for maintaining the sidewalk in front of your property. Sidewalk violations can be issued for a variety of reasons, such as cracks, potholes, or uneven surfaces. If you receive a sidewalk violation notice, you must take action to correct the issue or face higher repair costs and liens.
Sidewalk violations in NYC are issued by the Department of Transportation (DOT). If you receive a violation, you will be given a deadline to make the necessary repairs. If you fail to meet the deadline, the city will make the repairs and charge you for the repairs, which is generally much higher than hiring a local contractor to do the same repairs.
If you have received a notice of violation for your sidewalk, here are the steps you need to take to have it dismissed:
Yes, you can contest a sidewalk violation. If the details on the violation notice does not match your sidewalk or you feel is incorrect, you can contact 311 to appeal the sidewalk violation. Once the DOT reviews the appeal, they will schedule a re-inspection and come back out to look at the property within 180 days. After the property is re-inspected, this will be considered the 'final inspection' and the results of this inspection will be sent to you.
Ready to move forward with an estimate or have questions about your violation? Give us a call today so we can walk you through the process and provide a free estimate so we can work towards getting your violation dismissed.
Call us now at 718-301-8242.